Hypnobirthing in Hampshire
I provide KG Hypnobirthing in and around Medstead, Alton, Hampshire. Within 30 minutes from Farnham, Basingstoke, Winchester, Alresford, Petersfield and Bordon. That said, all courses are now offered online, so I actually provide KG Hypnobirthing worldwide!
It is my absolute passion to support women and their partners through this amazing (and sometimes challenging) time. Helping them to gain knowledge, build confidence and really honour what they are doing. I follow the structured KG Hypnobirthing course and can offer kinesiology, coaching, mindfulness and nutritional advice for those who are looking for more holistic support through their pregnancy.
“To be pregnant is to be vitally alive, thoroughly woman, and distressingly inhabited. Soul and spirit are stretched – along with body – making pregnancy a time of transition, growth, and profound beginnings.”
– Anne Christian Buchanan
What is KG Hypnobirthing?
KG Hypnobirthing was created by Katharine Graves, founder of the Hypnobirthing Association and is a complete antenatal training course focussing on letting go of fear, assumptions and preconceptions about pregnancy, labour and birth and replacing them with information and confidence. Shifting the idea that birth is something you ‘do’ and helping you to understand that you can simply let go and allow your body to do what it is designed to do.
It’s a selection of simple things coupled with a good amount of practice which
come together to make a very big difference.
The KG Hypnobirthing course covers lots of information about the process of birth - what naturally occurs in the body and the norms of the medical profession in the UK. Some of it will completely resonate with you, other bits maybe not. But the goal of KG Hypnobirthing is to educate and inform so you can confidently make decisions about your pregnancy and birth, and communicate effectively with caregivers.
For Partner
Appreciate the huge value and support they provide throughout pregnancy and birth.
Practice alongside Mum, all the tools and techniques for maintaining calm.
Become an active part of the process.
Be informed about their choices.
Gain the confidence to communicate effectively with caregivers.
Understand how to maintain a safe and supportive environment.
For Mum
Build confidence in her body.
Learn to appreciate her ability to give birth comfortably and naturally.
Develop confidence in her partner’s ability to support her.
Practice tools to reduce discomfort.
Be informed about her choices.
Gain the confidence to communicate effectively with caregivers.
Take control over her pregnancy and birth
For Baby
A calm and natural birth means minimal stress for baby.
Lower chance of medical intervention means drugs are less likely to be passed to baby.
Regular times of calm and bonding with Mum during relaxation practice.
Easier birth meaning baby's energy can be saved for bonding with Mum.
Benefits of KG Hypnobirthing
No matter what your ideal, planned or actual birth is like, be it a home birth, at a birth centre, completely natural or an unplanned Caesarean birth, KG Hypnobirthing will help.
I’ve done it and it works! I did the KG Hypnobirthing course when I was pregnant with my first, Jasper. Both my husband and I loved the course and I can honestly say labour and birth were very positive and really quite enjoyable. Much, I am convinced, due to having done the course, done the practice and fully embraced the approach of KG Hypnobirthing. I was so entirely sold on KG Hypnobirthing, I wanted to bring it into my own coaching practice and completed the teacher's course during my pregnancy with my second, Felix. Qualifying, whilst getting an in depth refresher course for myself - two birds, one stone!
Your experience of KG Hypnobirthing will be different to the next person’s and you will take away different things. The course doesn’t guarantee that you’ll skip through birth in a couple of hours with zero discomfort, but it will absolutely help you to have a more comfortable birth, whatever that means for you.