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Touch for Health Kinesiology training

Touch for Health Kinesiology was developed by John Thie, a Chiropractor and avid student of the energy systems of Chinese medicine. His mission was to provide everyone with practical methods to understand and balance their own energy. 


The practice uses muscle monitoring and focuses on energy pathways within the body called meridians. It recognises the link between emotional, physical and biochemical states of the body and is a true ‘holistic’ therapy. 


On the Touch For Health training course you will cover in-depth foundational training to enable you to practice Touch for Health on yourself, your friends and family and as a professional practitioner. 

The course

The Touch For Health Synthesis is taught across five weekend workshops and consists of four levels plus an integration and proficiency weekend. You can sign-up for the entire course or just level one and see how you get on before making a decision on further training. In between workshops you will practice techniques on friends and family and share experiences at the next workshop. If you wish to become certified (and able to practice professionally), you can attend an additional single day assessment workshop.


£1,200 Levels 1-4 

(Additional cost for Proficiency and Assessment.)

All training materials are included.

Lunch and snacks provided.

On completion of the additional assessment workshop, you will also have the option to be paired with a mentor from within the Touch for Health community. 

Training dates

2025 course dates:

Level 1: 29-30 March

Level 2: 26-27 April

Level 3: 7-8 June

Level 4: 5-6 July

Course content

Level 1

​£300 (includes training material for all four levels)

  • Preparing an individual for muscle monitoring.

  • Carrying out accurate muscle monitoring.

  • The 14 major meridians and how to test for energy imbalances within each using 14 muscles.

  • A range of techniques to balance energy

  • Principles of using food to balance energy.

  • Techniques to improve co-ordination, vision, sensory awareness and posture.

  • Techniques for releasing stress and physical pain.

Level 2


  • Principles of traditional Chinese medicine including the Body Clock, the Law of the Five Elements and Yin and Yang.

  • Applying these principles to energy balancing.

  • 14 additional muscles for monitoring.

  • Further techniques for balancing energy.

  • Enhancing performance with energetic stress release.

  • Using muscle monitoring to identify food and substance sensitivities.

  • Techniques for reducing recent and acute pain.

Level 3


  • Incorporating colour, emotion and goals into a balance.

  • 14 additional muscle for monitoring.

  • Understanding the relationship between muscles and reactive muscle theory.

  • Balancing energy with food.

  • Identify and ease emotions from past trauma. 

  • Releasing emotional stress held in muscle memory. 

  • Gait testing and balancing sports related muscles.

  • Techniques for reducing chronic pain.

Level 4


  • Principle of Acupressure Holding Point Theory. 

  • Balancing with sound.

  • Further understanding of emotions in relation to the Chinese Five Elements.

  • Concepts from Tibetan medicine to help balance energy.

  • Releasing emotional and physical stress held in posture.

  • Further techniques for reducing pain.

  • Techniques aiding sleep and relieving symptoms of Jet Lag. 


  • Solidifying knowledge and integrating all aspects of Touch For Health levels 1 to 4.

  • Educating others in the principles of muscle monitoring and the benefits of energy balancing.

  • Demonstrating competence in applying all learnings from Touch For Health Levels 1 to 4.

  • Preparing for optional assessment.

  • Understanding next steps for professional training.

​Note: This workshop will be delivered by another instructor.


By the end of the course you will be equipped to competently and confidently carry out balances on friends, family and yourself. If you wish to become certified and practice professionally, you can undertake an additional assessment day. This will be an held by an alternative instructor.


This is not a scary exam day! There is a practical assessment and a multiple choice theory assessment. The five weekend workshops and independent practice will fully prepare you and I will be there for support. The assessor is on your side and wants you to succeed!

Continued professional development

The Touch For Health Synthesis prepares and qualifies you (with the additional assessment day) to begin practicing as a certified Touch for Health proficient therapist and work with the public. You will have all the skills and knowledge you need to carry out effective and successful balances. If you would like to continue your professional development, the Touch For Health training options are extensive and provide a structured development pathway which supports you from Proficient, to Instructor, Consultant and Professional. All future training is modular, allowing you to progress at a pace that suits you. Modules include Metaphors and Goal Setting, Vibrational Healing Tools, Passion to Profit (to support you with business development and practice management) in addition to mentoring and personalised training to support you in specific areas if desired. 


Do get in touch if you’d like to discuss the full training pathway available within Touch For Health. 

Your Instructor


I’m Amy, Kinesiologist and Touch for Health Instructor. I first discovered Kinesiology when a work colleague (back in my previous corporate life) was waxing lyrical about this amazing new therapy she’d found. I’ve always loved anything alternative-therapy-ish so I was keen to have a go! After one session I was hooked and within six months I was happier, more confident and fitter than I’d ever been before. More importantly, though, I felt really good about myself. For the first time, I was starting to feel comfortable in my own skin and I’d begun to recognise, unpick and work through negative experiences and limiting beliefs that had been impacting me since childhood.

I wanted to help others with their own transformations and decided to train in Touch for Health Kinesiology. Seeing clients, alongside continuing with my full time job, I found my natural style combined new techniques learned from Kinesiology, with traditional coaching I used in my corporate role. I loved cherry picking the best of both and was seeing great results with my clients.


I was so passionate about sharing the techniques I continued training to become a qualified Touch for Health Kinesiology instructor and became a registered instructor with the Kinesiology Federation, and here we are! One of my favourite parts of my business is teaching this course. I love seeing students discover the fascinating techniques and realise that it’s not magic or woo woo, it’s just energy. And actual science (just not the stuff they taught us in school)!  


It’s a great course. It changed my life and I’m sure you’ll absolutely love it.

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