My journey so far.
After graduating I starting a graduate training scheme in restaurant and bar management - great fun but the environment and 60/70 hour weeks started to take their toll. So I took some time out and did a bit of travelling - trekking around Europe, teaching in Africa and doing a few ski seasons in France. For some reason (still not really sure why!) I decided it was time to come home and get a ‘proper job’! Cue several years later, a successful and lucrative career in digital design and marketing under my belt. Great job, fab husband, beautiful home, but an increasing feeling of discontent, frustration and a nagging that this just wasn’t quite what it’s all about.
An increasing feeling of discontent, frustration and a nagging that this just wasn’t quite what it’s all about.
I’ve always been interested in anything alternative-therapy-ish. So when a work colleague told me about Kinesiology, which had apparently got rid of a fruit allergy she’d had since she was a child, I was keen to learn more! After one session I was hooked and within six months I was happier, more confident and was fitter than I’d ever been before. More importantly, though, I felt really good about myself. For the first time, I was starting to feel comfortable in my own skin and I’d begun to recognise, unpick and work through negative experiences and limiting beliefs that had been impacting me since childhood.
Arriving here.

I wanted to help others with their own transformations and decided to train in Kinesiology. I began seeing clients, alongside continuing with my full time job. I found my natural style tended to combine the new methods learned in Kinesiology, with traditional coaching techniques I used in my corporate role. I loved cherry picking the best of both and was seeing great results with my clients.
I continued my training to become a qualified Touch for Health Kinesiology instructor and became a registered instructor with the Kinesiology Federation.
When I left my corporate job to have my little boy, I knew I wanted to take the opportunity to reshape my work life. I didn’t want to go back to a 9-5 in the office. I wanted to step out of my comfort zone and do the scary, nerve wracking thing that is setting up your own business!
Now, at the risk of this sounding like a shameless plug for life coaching (!) my mentor and coach was absolute gold dust through the whole process. I'm pretty sure anyone who has worked with me (let alone my husband!) would say drive, motivation and ambition are definitely up there on my skill set list. But an encouraging cheerleader is priceless when you're stepping into completely unfamiliar territory.
So finally, not wanting to bore you with the trials of marketing, building websites and those first tentative coaching sessions, that was kind of it! Amy Evans Life Coach was born and I've loved every day of it since. Well on my way to my World's Best Self and dying to support you on your journey to yours.
Provide a safe environment for my son to grow up in and do all I can to help him develop confidence and self belief.
Continue to build Amy Evans Life Coaching and explore opportunities for broadening the business.
Acknowledge, every day, what a fab life I’m living and congratulate myself for all I’ve achieved so far.
Because the journey never ends!
My goals.

Amy Evans
Certified Life Coach, NLP Practitioner and Touch for Health Kinesiologist.