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Kinesiology & Feng Shui combination to create an extensive energy shift.

A full Feng Shui home analysis and three Complete Kinesiology balances to create an extensive energy shift and kick-start your transformation. 


For an in-home consultation I will work with you in person to analyse your home and will personally manage your home balance in installation of remedies.


You will receive:

  • In-home initial consultation during which you can show me around your home and discuss any areas of concern or focus.
  • A Feng Shui starter pack, including crystals, salt cures and other items, to help you begin implementing Feng Shui best practices whilst your report is being produces.
  • A summary of your home’s compass direction and Feng Shui orientation.
  • The nine Feng Shui Baguas applied to your home.
  • Detailed remedies specific to your home and guidance on how to implement these.
  • In-home meeting with me to discuss your report and walk-through you home ensuring your understanding of each of the recommendations.
  • Access to online guides with best practice Feng Shui principles for each of the nine areas.
  • Updated remedies list at the next Chinese New Year.


I will need from you:

  • Your full address.Floor plans of your home (to scale).
  • Photos of the front, side and back of your home.
  • Details and dates of any extension or remodelling or roof work done to your home.


£345 is payable at booking. You will receive an email from me with full details of the information I need and how best to send it and we will schedule your initial in-home consultant. Following the consultation, I aim to have your Home Analysis complete and schedule your report walk through within three weeks. The balance is due before your report walk-through.

Body and Home Balance package - In-home

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